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ORMI Certified Compost

This compost has been through a heat treated process in which pathogens and metals are cooked out. It 

is STA certified product by the US Composting Council and is regularly tested to meet their requirements. 

(Compost and other plant and animal materials)

Landscape Soil/ Ferti-Comp (Not labeled Organic)

Class AA finshed compost- which is a high quality mark for compost by the EPA (Pathogen Free) Provides slight Nitrogen charge and beneficial bacteria. Improves soil structure and water holding capacity.


As a top dress to refurbish soil around fruit trees

Tilled into soil vegetable gardens... Not recommended for vegetables grown in pots unless it has other components blended with it.

May be used as 1" layer over soil prior to laying or spreading over existing sod.


Crushed Coquina

Orange or yellow in color

Coquina is sedimentary rock composed of assorted fragments of shells, and can be ground down to form Crushed Coquina Sand. Common applications for Crushed Coquina Sand include: - Pathways and walkways. - Sub-base for roads, retaining walls, driveways, walkways, and pavers. - An appealing alternative groundcover.

Top Soil

Clean and Screened

Clean Fill Dirt

Paver Base Crushed concrete (fines)

Paver base is a form of aggregate used in the construction of patios and walkways whose topmost layer consists of mortarless pavers. The first layer in the construction of such a surface is called the subgrade-- this is the layer of native material underneath the intended surface. 

Yellow Sand

Great for drainage and top dressing St Augustine sod lawns.

Builders Sand

Builders sand or river sand used for plastering, mortar and masonry and laying bricks and blocks Jointing Sand – (aka Sea Sand, Silver Sand, Washed Sand or Beach Sand) Keeping with the theme of the name describing where a given type of sand is sourced from, jointing sand or beach sand is collected mostly from beaches and areas around coastline

White Sand/Masonry Sand

Great for under pools or when installing pavers

This sand is both washed and passed through a screen the grains are very uniform in size.

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